Discover the Power of Integration!
To set the stage for this discussion on integration we need definitions[i] regarding the topic.
The harmonization of plans, processes, information, resource decisions, workforce capability, and capacity, actions, results, and analyses to support key organization-wide goals. Effective integration goes beyond alignment and is achieved when the individual components of an organizational performance management system operate as a fully interconnected unit.
Linked activities performed with the purpose of producing a product or service for a customer (user) within or outside your organization.
Outputs and outcomes achieved by your organization.
A state of consistency among plans, processes, information, resource decisions, workforce capability and capacity, actions, results, and analyses that support key organization-wide goals, including the organizational level, the key process level, and the work unit level.
Integration while evaluating your organization
Integration is one of the factors considered in evaluating both processes and results. Understanding how integration is used as an evaluation factor is key. Embedding the following concepts in your organization will shape your performance improvement culture and should become part of your daily routine.
Integration as a factor used while evaluating Processes:
Four factors used to evaluate process are approach, deployment, learning, and integration (ADLI). Think of these four interconnected factors as “The ADLI Cycle” which explores how the organization develops its approaches (A), how they deploy their approaches (D), how they learn (L) and integrate (I) value back into the organization. More on the ADLI Cycle in future posts.
Process Integration is the extent to which:
- your approach is aligned with the organizational needs and processes
- your measures, information, and improvement systems are complementary across processes and work units
- your plans, processes, results, analyses, learning, and actions are harmonized across processes and work units to support organization-wide goals.
Integration as a factor used while evaluating Results:
The four factors used to evaluate results are levels, trends, comparisons, and integration. While evaluating results, look for data on performance levels (high or low), trends (positive, negative, fast, slow, etc.) and relevant comparisons for key measures and indicators of your organization’s performance, as well as integration with your organization’s key requirements.
Results Integration is the extent to which:
- your results measures address important performance requirements relating to customers, products, markets, processes, action plans, and organization-wide goals and processes
- your results show data on the breadth of the performance results This is directly related to deployment and organizational learning; if improvement processes are widely shared and deployed, there should be corresponding results.
Information in the coming posts will help you refine and build new strength and maturity within your organization. Hope to see you there.
[i] Definitions and text adapted and based on the Baldrige Criteria – 2021-2022 Baldrige Excellence Framework

Paul Dreiss
Quality Advisor
Paul Dreiss has a proven track record of establishing and revitalizing organizational quality systems in multiple industries and service organizations. Two areas of focus include: Quality Management System – Developed organizational policies, procedures and work instructions that your…