Joseph Nicolette
Senior Advisor
Joe has over 35 years of experience in the environmental consulting field with a focus on NRDA and NEBA (i.e., environmental risk-benefit consequence analysis under OPA, CERCLA, NEPA, etc.). He is recognized both nationally and internationally for his contributions in developing what is known as Net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA) approaches. His career has included NEBA applications to site risk management and project decision-making, incorporating ecosystem service valuation. Joe provides strategic advice and oversight for projects to help balance the risks, benefits and tradeoffs associated with competing alternatives (e.g., remedial actions, offshore decommissioning actions, NRDA compensatory restoration, mitigation, land management, oil spill response, and project permitting). He has managed 50+ NRDA-related projects specifically including client strategy development regarding natural resource injury and environmental assessment; environmental sampling design and implementation; ecological and human health risk characterization; mitigation and remedial planning, restoration valuation and planning, allocation modeling, agency negotiations, and technical data review, assessment, and interpretation.