Olegario Rivas
Senior Advisor
Olegario is an Artificial Lift and Well Completion expert with over 49 years of experience in Offshore and Onshore Oil and Gas Production in technical and leadership positions. This includes over 20 years of significant experience with the Oil and Gas Industry in Venezuela as an Artificial Lift Specialist evaluating and providing solutions for the development and production optimization of green and brown fields by designing new well completion techniques and new equipment to improve oil field performance always supervising the installation and operational status to perform well/system optimization, including Heavy Oil Production Systems for wells in the Orinoco Oil Belt and Campo Boscan; Sucker Rod Centralizers for steam injected wells in the Orinoco Oil Belt. While with Schlumberger (24 years) he first held key positions providing technical and business development support, his wide operational experience allowed him the implementing of new technologies worldwide, among others a “System to Improve Fluid Dynamics of Fluids Produced from a Well” (US Patent # 6,260,627). The system allowed to increase production and reducing downtime in wells in the Permian Basin (XTO Energy 6+ wells), one well in Argentina (YPF), one well for Devon in Carthage Field, Texas (gas well deliquification), 25+ CBM wells in Australia. He also supported the optimization of wells in Venezuela, Ecuador, Oman, Kuwait, etc. He then became Director of Curriculum in the Artificial Lift and Completions domain, which comprised the design and development of Artificial Lift and Well Completions Curriculum and Training programs for over 40 countries, including mentoring of engineers from Kuwait, Oman, Ecuador, Argentina, Venezuela, etc. Since retiring from Schlumberger, Olegario started Force Lift LLC, an Artificial Lift and Well Completion consultant company. Olegario holds BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering and in Petroleum Engineering from Universidad del Zulia. He holds 23 US Patents and has authored and co-authored 33 technical papers. Olegario has received over 20 recognition awards for innovation, technical expertise and leadership.