Agile Workforce Planning
What Does it Look Like?
A company’s commitment to adopt an “Agile” work philosophy and method (ability to listen, plan and adjust quickly to business and customer needs) is the name of the game right now and will be a differentiator for success.
For a number of years, successful companies have been working on becoming leaner, more responsive, and able to pivot quickly to changing business, employee, and customer needs. The concept of “agility” does a good job of capturing this important competency and philosophy.
Compare an agile team to a more traditional one here to see how your company stacks up.
- Directly connects workforce planning (WFP) to the company’s business and growth plans
- Invests in robust data gathering capabilities geared to accurate predictive analysis and flexible decision making
- Key Talent Management processes (Succession Planning, Talent Review, Competency Management) are directly connected and regularly refreshed
- HR Business Partners and other SME’s are brought in to coach, facilitate and enable effective process application
- Recognize effective WFP is more than replacement planning and following retirement trends
- Functional and line leaders feel accountable for up-to-date workforce plans in their organizations
- Willing to take risks (with guardrails…)
- Tends to focus on turnover trends and retirement eligibility stats
- Tends to focus on “replacement planning” rather than what does the future look like?
- Often managed via cumbersome and complicated spreadsheets by HR
- Tends to be somewhat reactive
- Blurred lines between the company’s strategic plans and workforce needs
- Often managed via “seat of the pants” activities, not an ongoing strategic process
- DEI implications may often be an afterthought
- Leaders don’t feel accountable
If you would like to learn more about how Endeavor Management may be able to help, please feel free to reach out to Gerry Gibson: ggibson@endeavormgmt.com
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