Motivating vs. Maintaining
Your Team
What do you control?
Where do you devote your time?
The topic of motivation and how to translate that into action has been a holy grail for many years across most companies.
From the early days of studying what “motivates” people, companies like Endeavor and others have been able to boil it down to some fundamental principles and practices. There are behaviors and initiatives that Leaders demonstrate and create to motivate people to strive to achieve high performance (we call these “Motivation Factors”) and others that are baked into a company’s operating principles and practices that are more policy and procedure-driven (we call these “Maintenance Factors”). We have found most managers and supervisors will have limited control over the “Maintenance Factors” and a high level of control over the “Motivation Factors” with their Teams.
We encourage leaders to frequently assess where they are spending their time and make sure they are devoting their time to where they can get the best ROI, motivation, and inspiration.
Motivation Factors
- Sense of Accomplishment
- Sense of Belonging
- Feeling Appreciated
- Sense of Participation
- Being Asked & Listened to
- Feeling Trusted
- Allowed to take Risks (with guard rails)
- Sense of Teamwork
- Project-related Budget Decisions
- Line of sight between my goals and the company’s goals
- Ability to speak up
- Trust and confidence in Leaders
- A clear view of the future and how I fit in
- Career planning & potential
Maintenance Factors
- Pay
- Benefits
- Work Schedule
- Work Location
- Tools
- Organizational Structure
- Reporting Relationships
- Planning & Reporting Systems
- Advancement (depending on role)
- Employment Decisions
- Policy Decisions
- “Significant” Budget Decisions
Let’s Talk
We will help you overcome strategic challenges to realize the business value you seek.