David R. Wilkinson BEng – Materials Engineering
Senior Advisor
Internationally experienced operational and project professional with over 40 years of experience in the upstream oil and gas industry (both offshore and onshore). Experienced team lead, capable of managing widely disparate groups of personnel, in short timeframes, to deliver to expectations – such as during multi-Operator, project reviews. Main areas of expertise include systems engineering and project management of subsea projects, including implementation of new technologies, such as subsea compression. Globally recognised authority on subsea production facilities, including design, fabrication, installation, operation and decommissioning thereof. Involved (on a voluntary basis) for over 20 years, in the development of subsea standards – currently the Task Group Lead for the development of the 6th edition of API RP17A on the “Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems”.
Offshore ET not on Life Support
There are financial/operational benefits of repurposing/utilizing existing infrastructure for clean energy.
A World Without Gas Stations
My father owned and operated a Mobil Oil gas station for about twenty years. Hence, the thought of a world without gas stations is about abstract as it gets, but that is where we are headed.