Felix de la Vega, P.E. BS, MS
Senior Advisor
Felix has over 60 years of experience in process design and development including fifteen years with CryoGas Engineering LLC as Company Owner, 33 years with Kellogg Brown & Root (in different positions) and 4 years with Fluor Daniel as VP of LNG business worldwide. The majority of his career has been involved in process design and development of LNG and Gas Processing plants with experience in commissioning, startups, plant troubleshooting, risk analysis, and RAM Analysis. Besides experience in cryogenics gas processing plants (LNG, NGL, LPG, H2, N2, etc.), he also has experience in chemical and petrochemical units including olefins and polymer plants. Felix’s scope of work has included managing worldwide LNG/Oil/Gas technology, feasibility and optimization studies, economic evaluations, steady state and dynamic computer simulations, process equipment specifications, control philosophy and review of output from general engineering. As an expert witness Felix has been retained by two Korean corporation, to provide an opinion on the root cause of the incidents on four in-ground LNG storage tanks at the Incheon LNG Regasification Terminal in South Korea between September 2005 and October 2006 for arbitration proceedings. Felix has foreign experience in the Netherlands, Japan and United Kingdom. He speaks Spanish and English.
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