Jason Skufca
Project Advisor
Jason Skufca has 20 years of experience in well intervention working for both a Baker Hughs and ConocoPhillips. His expertise in coiled tubing spans conventional and unconventional completions, deepwater, and drilling. His global work experience includes projects in the US, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Venezuela, Mexico, UK, Norway, Indonesia and Poland. Jason is well respected in the coiled tubing community, having served as Senior Chairman of the international board of directors for the Intervention and Coiled Tubing Association, ICoTA. Additionally, Jason serves on the SPE committee for the national ICoTA conference held annually in Houston.
Bachelor of Science – Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University.
Offshore ET not on Life Support
There are financial/operational benefits of repurposing/utilizing existing infrastructure for clean energy.
A World Without Gas Stations
My father owned and operated a Mobil Oil gas station for about twenty years. Hence, the thought of a world without gas stations is about abstract as it gets, but that is where we are headed.