John Rouse B.S.
Project Advisor
John Rouse has over 35 years’ experience in the offshore drilling industry. He specializes in engineering management and project management. His additional areas of expertise include technical services management, construction projects (new construction, conversions, repairs, and upgrades), contracts and technical specifications, harsh environment/deepwater drill rig design, rules and regulations, cost estimates and budgets, shipyard evaluations, rig condition evaluations, bid proposals, vessel commissioning, and rig mobilizations. His previous industry experience includes seven years with Transocean and 18 years with Sonat Offshore Drilling.
Bachelor of Science, Structural / Civil Engineering, University of Houston
Wharton School of Project Management and Wharton School of Essentials of Management, University of Pennsylvania
Business Negotiation, Harvard Business School
Lincoln Welding School
Offshore ET not on Life Support
There are financial/operational benefits of repurposing/utilizing existing infrastructure for clean energy.
A World Without Gas Stations
My father owned and operated a Mobil Oil gas station for about twenty years. Hence, the thought of a world without gas stations is about abstract as it gets, but that is where we are headed.