Keith Elliott BS
Executive Consultant
Keith has over 40 years’ oil and gas industry experience, including 11 years with Noble Energy. He joined Noble in October 2009 as Vice President of Major Projects and was accountable for oversight of Noble’s major projects portfolio, including the Tamar, Leviathan, Aseng and Alen projects. He was subsequently appointed Vice President of Operations and Engineering Services, with responsibility for development, Board of Directors engagement and implementation of Noble’s strategies, policies, objectives, and capabilities related to major capital project planning and execution, as well as Noble’s global Engineering, Drilling and Supply Chain Management activities. In April 2013 Keith was appointed Senior Vice President of Noble’s Eastern Mediterranean Region, accountable for regional business strategy development and execution in Israel, Cyprus, Jordan and Egypt. In 2018 Keith assumed responsibility for the totality of Noble’s global Offshore developments and operations portfolio as Senior Vice President, Offshore. He held that position through Noble’s merger with Chevron Corporation in October 2020, retiring from Chevron in December 2020. Prior to joining Noble, Keith was employed by BP Exploration for 25 years. Over the course of that time he held a variety of US, international and worldwide technical and leadership positions in Drilling and Completions, Production Engineering and Operations, Major Development Project Management and General Asset Management.
Let’s Talk
We’re ready to help you define and implement your strategic change.