Mark A. Childers MS
Senior Advisor
Mark Childers has over 50 years’ experience in the upstream oil and gas business mostly with offshore contract drilling centered on engineering, design, construction, operation, management of MODUs and expert witnessing. In his career he has specialized in subsea equipment and its operation, deep water drilling operations, mooring and station-keeping, deep water Tender Assist Drilling (TAD), and MODU design and construction. He has also been involved in MOPU and FPSO design, conversion and operation along with field development analysis. He has 13 patents on subsea equipment, mooring and pipe handling; published extensively in about every industry publication (over 26 documents) and been a keynote speaker many times. He has been a senior officer in 4 NY and AM stock exchange companies. After semi-retiring in 2009 he has been very active in technical consultant and traveled throughout the world working on design projects and operations assistance. He has also been an expert witness, including the BP Macondo incident, patent infringement, equipment failures, drilling operations, drilling cost analysis and contract issues. He is presently very active with the IADC, SPE and the Oilfield Energy Center (now the Environmental Education Foundation, EEF, Ocean Star in Galveston).
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – Blacksburg, VA
Masters of Science, Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute – Blacksburg, VA
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