Morrison "Moe" Plaisance
Senior Advisor
Moe Plaisance has over 50 years of drilling experience from hands on supervisory experience drilling and pushing tools to senior management positions working with operators on planning and execution of drilling and completions programs. He has over 45 years of experience in floating drilling operations with semi-submersibles and drillships in both moored and dynamic positioning modes. He is personally involved in drilling and subsea completions activities in water depths of over 7000 feet. The deepest water depth Turnkey well he participated in management to date is 7,208 feet of water. Moe started with Diamond Offshore (ODECO) predecessor company in 1970 after serving in the U.S. Army in Viet Nam. Awarded the Purple Heart Medal for wounds received in combat. His worldwide experience includes Gulf of Mexico, North Sea, Australia, Canadian East Coast, U.S. East and West Coasts, Norway, New Zealand, Atlantic and Mediterranean Spain, Brazil, Egypt, Chile, Gabon, Tunisia, West Africa, and Somalia.
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