Robert Colwell P.E.
Senior Advisor
Robert Colwell is a Senior Drilling Advisor with over 14 years of experience comprising of both engineering and operational management in drilling and completions and is a licensed professional engineer in the State of Texas. Robert has worked both conventional and unconventional projects as a supervising engineer and as a field engineer. Projects include those in deepwater (GOM and Angola, Africa), shelf GOM, Louisiana inland waters, Pinedale anticline in Wyoming, Haynesville shale in North Louisiana and the Eagleford shale around College Station, Texas.
Bachelor of Science – Petroleum Engineering, Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Offshore ET not on Life Support
There are financial/operational benefits of repurposing/utilizing existing infrastructure for clean energy.
A World Without Gas Stations
My father owned and operated a Mobil Oil gas station for about twenty years. Hence, the thought of a world without gas stations is about abstract as it gets, but that is where we are headed.