Shawn E. Vincent BS
Senior Advisor
Shawn Vincent has 25 years of drilling experience in both the international and domestic oil and gas industry with significant deepwater experience in the Gulf of Mexico. Shawn has been involved in all aspects of drilling engineering and well operations– designing, planning and execution on multiple types of drilling rigs, including Land, Jack‐up, Semisubmersibles, Drillships, TLPs and Spars in up to 2,400 m of water. Shawn has successfully conducted drilling projects in the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater, USA Land, Mexico, Trinidad, Brazil, Angola, Cameroon, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Mozambique, Suriname and Kurdistan. Shawn has also served as a drilling advisor on various drilling, decommissioning and organization restructuring projects in Asia, Africa, North and South America. Shawn has worked in engineering and operations supervisory positions on land, shelf and deep water projects for majors (BP, Shell), independents (Addax, Anadarko, Genel), state-owned operators (Staatsolie) and service companies (Triton Engineering). He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.
Bachelor of Science – Mechanical Engineer, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
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