Joseph White
Project Advisor
Joe White has over 30 years of hands-on technical support and engineering design experience, obtained while serving on the technical staff of vessel owners and operators. This has included modifying and upgrading existing vessels for ever-increasing water depths and challenging environments to maintain and continue offshore oil & gas drilling and production operations. Joe also participated in new design and construction programs, modifying vessels for utilization in production operations, and maintaining regulatory compliance approval for a fleet of vessels.
Bachelor of Science, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Mississippi State University
Associate of Science, Pre-Engineering, Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior College
Offshore ET not on Life Support
There are financial/operational benefits of repurposing/utilizing existing infrastructure for clean energy.
A World Without Gas Stations
My father owned and operated a Mobil Oil gas station for about twenty years. Hence, the thought of a world without gas stations is about abstract as it gets, but that is where we are headed.