Norman L. Blaker BS
Senior Advisor
Norman Blaker has 51 years’ experience in managing and developing engineering studies and detailed engineering designs, including sales and client development. Extensive experience in planning, scheduling, and cost estimating. Department Manager of Mechanical Engineering for two years. Department Manager for the Project’s Department, which included Project Managers and the Planning and Scheduling group. Environmental experience, primarily developing plans and detailed designs for incineration of solid wastes and hazardous wastes. The majority of experience has been in the oil and gas industry in developing designs for offshore (FPSO’s and Fixed Facilities) and onshore production facilities. Typical facility designs have included gas processing using glycol dehydration, GOSP units, desalting, condensate stabilization, propane refrigeration, water injection and water treatment, steam flooding study, and handling wet gas with high CO2 content. Additional experience has been in the design of petrochemical revamps, fertilizer plants, and pollution abatement systems for air and water.
Bachelor of Science – Mechanical Engineering, Kansas University – Lawrence, Kansas
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