Providing Solutions
The Endeavor Management Subsea Team offers both breadth and depth of having been there and done that. This experience is based on a team of people who have many years with Operators, Suppliers and Engineering firms addressing issues similar to those encountered by you. We can provide insight and recommendations to assist you in finding solutions.

Our Approach
We combine proven experience and gained expertise to understand challenging issues to provide insight to potential options and recommended actions.
The situations to use this approach include:

Subsea Team

Alp A . Kocaman BS, MS, M

Amber Sparks MS
Environmental Consultant

Andrea Mangiavacchi PhD
Senior Consultant

Andrew Bennett C.Eng
Project Advisor

Andrew J. Wolford PhD
Senior Advisor

Bill Barrows MBA
Senior Advisor

Bob Heilman CEng
Commissioning Advisor

Bob Helmkamp, PE

Braulio Luis Bastos MBA
Senior Advisor

Christian Bakken
Senior Advisor

Colin Johnston BS, MS, MBA

George Rodenbusch PhD
Senior Advisor
Let’s Talk
We will help you overcome strategic challenges to realize the business value you seek.